

We have a $100 Family Membership Fee per school year due once your Enrollment Form is completed. This non-refundable fee is per family and holds your spot for the current school year. You will receive an email with Total Due and payment options.

Tuition is charged for children age 5+ by August 1st, 2018. Younger siblings are always welcome at no additional charge.

Below are the tuition options with stacking discounts for enrolling in both days, paying for both semesters at once, and a sibling discount:


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* If you would like to join GRACE, but have a financial hardship, please contact us about setting up a payment plan.


1. Click the 3 PDF document links below to open and review
(you will agree to these while completing enrollment form)
• Homeschool Co-op ByLaws
• Homeschool Co-op 2018-2019 Membership Agreement
• Homeschool Co-op 2018-2019 Liability Waiver

2. Click button below to fill out the Enrollment Form for the 2018-2019 school year. Fill in information for all children who will be attending GRACE even if they are under 5 years old.

3. After you complete the Enrollment Form above, please promptly pay your non-refundable Family Membership Fee to hold your spot. You can pay via Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Card using the button below. If you’d like to write a check, Contact Us

$100 Family Membership Fee Button

Welcome to our online application

Thank you for your interest in Grace Academy! We are excited about the opportunity to serve your family.


Grace Academy
Classical Study. Joyful Discovery.